Clear Creams

Clear Cream Dachshund (ee English Cream Dachshund)
The Clear Cream Dachshund has seen an increase in demand in recent years. It is most likely due to the people’s preference for a cream dachshund without the shading. Clear Cream dachshunds are in fact pure English Creams. However, the difference is that they are born very light in color and became darker with age. On the contrary, typical English Creams are born darker and lighten as time goes by. The Clear Cream Dachshunds are regularly referred to simply as Clear. They are genetically incapable of producing any black hair. Though the demand has grown for this type of dachshund, it is a difficult task to find a good representation of this Clear Cream Dachshund. It is becoming increasingly difficult for breeders to remove the dark pigment and therefore challenging to find the pups that haven’t lost that pigment feature.
American Creams

English Cream Dachshund vs American Cream Dachshund
The American Cream Dachshund displays a similar appearance to that of an authentic English Cream. However, the American Cream is substantially different from the English Cream with a similar appearance. The light color in American Creams is obtained by a different gene resulting in a very light Red Dilute coat.
American Cream Dachshunds are very light in color when newborn. However, as they begin to mature, so too does their coat, gradually taking on a more reddish color. Over time, this redness becomes quite prominent. The key factor is that there is no red coloration in true English Cream Dachshunds. All, even very light dogs, that have a red undertone to their coat are in fact Reds, not Creams.

American Cream dachshunds also include Smooth haired (short haired) Creams. In the American Cream Dachshund, there are three possible genetic factors responsible. These are the Recessive Red Gene, the Dominant Red Gene, and the Blue Dilution Gene. These genes actively work to affect the dachshund’s base coat colors, namely reds, blacks, and chocolates. The genes affect the base coat which becomes diluted over time to resemble the lighter cream color.
How Can You Tell If Your Puppy is a True English Cream?
A true English Cream Dachshund will more than likely be the higher priced dachshund variety. It is, however, worth remembering that the surge in cost for the English Cream dachshund is also related to a limited number of readily available breeders of such a specific dachshund variety. The scarcity of the dogs with a reputable pedigree used for breeding is also a reason for the high price of English Cream dachshund puppies. A vast number of professionals and others that are very familiar with the Dachshund breed will tell you that authentic English Creams just have that certain look about them.
Ultimately, many breeders of the English Cream Dachshund will state that the coat of a puppy, regardless of its type, will not be fully developed until they are two years of age.
Article by: Maria Vesna, June 19, 2019